Política curricular em Educação Física do município de Juiz de Fora- MG: hibridismo entre o contexto de produção do texto político e o contexto da prática / Hibridism in curriculum politics of Physical Education at Juiz de Fora city - MG: between the context of practice




Modern discussions about curriculum have been orientated at the perspective of the forming of local curriculum proposals which give visibility to the participation of teachers community in their different moments and to cultural processes and students experiences as a way to form multiple identities promoting the empowerment in contrast with global curriculum politics that are still present at some schools classified as verticalized, centred at the State and prescriptive. Through this perspective I analyze the curriculum politics of Physical Education at the city of Juiz de Fora MG whose text is called Municipal Program of Physical Education (PROMEF). This program is a local and different curriculum politics because it promoted a collective construction among those responsible for Physical Education Department and the teachers of this subject that worked daily at schools searching for cultural and leisure manifestation at their communities to support the contents that has been systematized as pedagogical knowledge of municipal Physical Education. So this study had the aim of analyzing the curriculum politics of Physical Education at Juiz de Fora pointing at the context of production of this political text and check if the purposes of such proposal are possible inside the context of the practice and if this curriculum proposal stimulates multiple identity constructions and empowerment. It were made 28 semi-structured interviews with participants of this process and their relation to the context of the practice and PROMEF analysis. According to the data this directive advances in terms of curriculum politics because it has led the teachers to join in their construction process, but it doesnt allow empowerment neither the construction of multiple identities. It all happens because this directive is based on a methodological didactic orientation which enhances the historically elaborated knowledge, emphasizing the culture of students only through an overcoming perspective and not as a way to search for a critical cultural dialogue.


política curricular educacao curriculum currículo educação física physical education curriculum politics

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