Polêmicas discursivas na perspectiva bakhtiana: embates entre vozes de cientistas e outras vozes na arena do Roda Viva / discursive polemic in bakhtiniana perspective: clashes between scientist\ s voice and other voices in the arena of Roda Viva


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Part of the project called Scientific Vulgarization: languages, spheres and genres linked to the research line studies of speech of Portuguese, of the program of Philosophy and Portuguese of Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas of USP, this research aims to investigate the discursive refractions present in a corpus constituted by the editions of a program called Roda Viva, produced and released since September 1986, by TV Cultura, a public broadcaster. By discursive refractions, we refer to the phenomenon characterized by open and covert polemics, as well as replicas of viewers. We defend the thesis that the official discourses are predominantly refracted through the controversy veiled with shades of open polemic, in view of the sphere of expertise of the interviewee. Our contributions to this project set in the diachronic analyses of editions held with scientists and academics in the period between the 1980, 1990 e 2000. More precisely from the start of transmissions to May 2009. Thus, from a total of 160 editions, distributed in six scientific fields, we selected a corpus of six through which we highlight the scientific phenomenon mentioned. On the other hand, our route provides investigative analysis in view of the Bakhtinian notion of speech genre. Such a perspective requires an approach that considers each edition like a concrete utterance. In others words, we are interested in observing the three dimensions necessarily intertwined that enable an analysis of concreteness of each edition: the wider social horizon, the genre of discourse and the forms of languages. So we chose a qualitative study of three editions representing each decade cited, which implies considering them from a sociological view which holds spheres of production, circulation and reception of each utterance, as well as a dialogical perspective that note the positions in a discursive space-time relationship that goes beyond the limits of dialogue face to face. In addition to these three issues we consider a corpus of three other for the purpose of a discursive analysis of the recurring phenomenon. The results indicate the establishment of polemics between the interviews discourses and destinatary speeches as the government set up in each decade. In relation to the dialogical replicas, we identified in the edition of year 1980, a clear dichotomy between two axiological positions: tight, aligned with the regime, on one hand and, on the other, objectors speech left aligned. As for de other decades, we observe that such placements are distant, focusing on themes that circulate more often in the spheres of the every day ideology.


dialogical replicas discursive polemics entrevista gênero discursivo interview polêmicas discursivas réplicas dialógicas speech genre

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