"Poeira de soja inalada e seu impacto epidemiológico no desencadeamento de alergia respiratória" / Dust of inhaled soy and its epidemic impact in the respiratory allergy




Background: Asthma outbreaks, by soybean dust inhalation, have been reported fatal cases.. Objective: To correlate exposure and sensitization to soybean dust in Brazil.. Methods: 590 volunteers exposed to soy dust. Prick skin tests were performed and specific IgE were measured in sera.. Results: the workers from the oil refinery had sensitization to soy (15%). Truck drivers 22%. Industry neighborhood 22%. and people who live far from this place presented only 6%. People from agricultural area far from the soy plantations 13% and in the middle of the soy 28%.with 5% sensitized only by soybean . Positive IgE was 16 %. Conclusion: a high prevalence of sensitivity to soybean hull demonstrates the impact of this kind of pollution. The sensitization to the fungi which colonize soybean storage can not be underestimated


soja soybeans asma dust exposição por inalação hipersensibilidade rhinitis rinite inhalation exposure asthma hypersensitivity poeira

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