Pluralismo de bem-estar social, família e destituição de poder familiar: como a atual política de assistência contempla esta relação? / Pluralism of welfare state, family and dismissal of family power: as the current policy of assistance include this relationship?




This theis soughat inversatigate the representation of families of Court on Children and Adolescentes in São Gonçalo city in three parts: first, the representation that the Court has a family and, finally, the autorepresentation households assisted. We also understand that the state is displayed and activated the acquisition of rights of citizenship. To achieve the objective of the study, We had meetings with team members of the psychosocial and a acess to Court proceedings to investigate issues explained above. At the beginning of this work, we performed a thread able to explain the reasons that directed our gaze on the reality investigated, using the praxiological knowledge, making a brief comparison between structuralism and subjectivism. The theoretical lens of praxiological knowledge allowed the use of the concepts of Symbolic Power and Syimbolic Violence for the analysis of our object. The Work of building of modern nuclear family model of bourgeois, context of research, address the reality of the family in today because we feel that is combinened with the experiencedf by the the families assisted. To historicize the pratices of control and supervision of families by the judiciary, we use the Donzelot( France) and Costa( Brazil). We also do a rescue historical instituticnalization of polcy assistentance to reach recent Current Protection System, witht its principle of sociofamiliar matrix, we express ourcristism of the convening of the family as a forum for matrix, we expresss our criticism of the covening of the family as a forum for social mprotection, and characterized it as fact a process of depoliticization and privatization, of Social Policy. For the examination of this process of depoliticization, we conduzed an analysis of historical and structural changes that move required of the company and the family considerable commitment. But thee move signaled the the idea of centrality the production of individuais of a nation. In closing comments, clarify the issues raised and that observed during the survey, registrer especially the symbolic violence record by the families in that are not perceived as part of the social question. This violence is manifest mainly by thee absence of his speeches, position opposite to the place for analysis and investin. The violence mentioned, also shows the lack of recognition of families assisted and citizenshisp of the same. Also recorded in theses final comments, the, silent pain we feel when we look at the process of the Psychosocil Court said earlier this summary, the team members of the psysosocial Court Said earlier this summary, the absence of families, to families, to herd in action indicated above (dismissal family).


simboly power symbolic violence destituição do poder familiar servico social família poder simbólico violência simbólica family dismissal family

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