Placentação em roedores da família Cricetidae - Sigmodontinae / Placentation in rodents of family Cricetidae Sigmodontinae




Placenta is found only in mammals and it is result of the success of blastocyst implantation in the uterus, representing a functional organ to maternal-fetal exchanges and it is also an important endocrine organ. The Family Cricetidae and Subfamily Sigmodontinae include the rats and mice from South America. Due to the similarity of both the placenta morphology and the placentation between rodents and human, these animals represent an interesting model for studies related to the placenta and placentation. The aim of this research was to describe the placenta morphology and placentation in 5 species of sigmodonts (Necromys lasiurus, Oryzomys subflavus, Oryzomys sp., Oryzomys megacephalus Oryzomys sp. and Oligoryzomys sp.). In the macroscopic analysis the placenta shows a discoid shape, it is classified as discoid type. The microscopy results showed the placenta is chorioallantoic, labyrinth, hemochorial, with areas of spongio zone and a region of maternal decidua. The yolk sac placenta is villous, completely inverted and persisted until the end of pregnancy. Only in Oryzomys subflavus was observed in the yolk sac placenta an intense hemophagous activity, evidenced by the Massons trichrome stain. The placental barrier in Necromys lasiurus and Oryzomys sp. is of the hemotrichorial type, composed by three trophoblast layers more the fetal capillary endothelium to separate the maternal and fetal blood systems. The trophoblast giant cells were observed in different regions of the placenta. In all species the decidual cells were positive to histochemical reaction using periodic acid-Schiff (PAS).


barreira placentária placenta vitelina sigmodontinae placenta sigmodontinae placental barrier placenta yolk sac placenta

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