Pictogrammed: communication in the digital interfaces through pictograms / Pictogramado: a comunicação nas interfaces digitais por meio de pictogramas




This study examines the graphics and icons currently used on the internet, especially in ordinary browsers, with a view to the Internet Explorer. It questions the fact that the existing pictograms are founded on bidimensional references in writing - and they do thus not represent the means in which they are introduced, since the internet is in fact multi dimensional, as one intends to evince. Bearing this in mind, new designs were created so as to fit these characteristics and to serve the orientation and mapping needs of the Internet users actions. Also, a series of hybrid animations comprehending the Pictose series was developed. As for the theoretical basis, one highlights the works of Douglas R. Hofstadter, who analyses the concept of analogy and the loss incurred while transferring the meanings adapted to their medium, Lev Manovichs interface studies and Rudolf Arnheims analyses on whom ones theory was founded to produce the new proposals for pictogram designs and their applications to browsers. The results achieved are quite practical: drawings of new pictograms that can be applied to a browser. One is convinced that such results are relevant to the Visual/Digital Design and Communication, once their use will work so as to facilitate code reading and interpretation, making the communication process more agile, as well as assuring users of reliable images of anything they intend to depict


comunicacao internet explorer sinais e simbolos internet explorer comunicacoes digitais pictografia

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