Phytomonas and others Trypanosomatids of insects in Rondonia State, Occidental Amazon. / Phytomonas e outros Tripanossomatídeos em insetos no Estado de Rondônia - Amazônia Ocidental.




Tripanossomatids, particularly Phytomonas, may infect the fruit, latex, sap, phloem and flowers of many plant families. These parasites have also been detected in phytofagous insects which are potential vectors in many areas of the Old and New World. In spite of the enormous variety of flora and entomological fauna of the Brazilian Amazon only a few species have been described harbouring tripanossomatids. Some genera of tripanossomatids present typical morphological forms which they can be identified. However, the promastigote form occurs in the genera Herpetomonas, Leptomonas and Phytomonas, so other parameters are needed to separate them. The difficulties of in vitro cultivation also hinders determining the presence of these parasites in both insects and plants, thus making it impossible to estabilish realistic incidence rates of these ubiquitous parasites. In the present study 37collections of adult hemipterans were made in Rondônia State during the different regional seasons of 1998 to 1999. A total of 244 bugs belonging to 17 species were collected of which 13 had trypanosomatid infections. Methanol fixed smears of all the infections were made on glass slides and stained with Giemsa for the morphological studies and morphometric analyses. In a second phase, we used the PCR (Polimerase Chain Reaction) to recover DNA from the methanol fixed smears. The PCR products were hybridized with the SL3’ probe which is specific for Phytomonas. The aim of this preliminary study was to locate trypanosomatids infections in phytophagous Hemiptera captured in Rondônia State and then determine which of these belonged to the genus Phytomonas without the necessity of isolation in culture.


amazonia ocidental occidental amazon slpcr tripanossomatídeos em insetos hibridation diagnóstico splice leader trypanosomatids in insects diagnostics hibridação

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