Physicochemical and palynological parameters of honey from samples africanized honeybees in Santa Helena and Terra Roxa counties (PR) / CaracterizaÃÃo fÃsico-quÃmica e palinolÃgica de amostras de mel de abelha africanizada dos municÃpios de Santa Helena e Terra Roxa (PR)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aimed to physicochemically and palynologically characterize the honey samples of Apis mellifera collected in Santa Helena and Terra Roxa counties, located in the western region of Paranà State, Brazil, and to verify the similarity of the melliferous flora in the samples. Forty honey samples were collected, 20 in Santa Helena and 20 in Terra Roxa (PR) counties, directly from beekeepers, that were subjected to physico-chemical analyzes of moisture, acidity, pH, ashes, electrical conductivity, pollinic and color, to verify whether they presented themselves in accordance with the existing national legislation (Instruction No. 11), in addition to knowing the physicochemical and melissopalynology profile of different sites during the 2008/2009 season. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and F test at 5% significance level. The results showed significant differences (p <0.05) between values of acidity, and the honey samples from Terra Roxa presented the higher value (33.45  7.7 than Santa Helena (24 = 53  6.3 Most of the analyzed samples were within the specifications prescribed in the legislation to the physico-chemical parameters except the moisture, which despite having presented a significant difference between values obtained from two counties, they were above the limits established by the legislation (20%) in eight samples in Santa Helena and seven in Terra Roxa counties, totaling 37.5%. In Santa Helena county were found 71 pollen types belonging to 24 families, eight honey samples belonging to were Hovenia ducis and the remaining as polifloral. In Terra Roxa county were found 64 pollen types belonging to 29 families. Seven honey samples were classified as Glycine max L. Merrill, two Mimosa scabrella Benth., one Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth., one Mimosa verrucosa Benth., one Mikania sp. and one Senecio sp. It was found a high rate of similarity among the species of the areas (87.23%) which might be explained by the seedling distribution from the regional reforestation program carried out by ITAIPU BINACIONAL. The average representative of pollen type within each area was calculated, which resulted in the importance of each pollen type represented for each county and in Santa Helena was found greater significance in pollen sample of Hovenia dulcis, Eucalyptus sp., Parapiptadenia rigida and Leucaena leucocephala, and in Terra Roxa county Glycine max L. Merrill, Mimosa scabrella Benth., Eucalyptus sp. There was a difference between honey samples, and characterized by a larger area of preservation in Santa Helena and a predominantly agricultural area in Terra Roxa counties


apicultura apis mellifera composiÃÃo do mel melissopalinologia beekeeping apis mellifera honey composition melissopalinology zootecnia

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