Phenological characteristics of physic nutaAiming the mechanized harvest / CaracterÃsticas fitotÃcnicas do pinhÃo-manso, visando à colheita mecanizada




The increasing demand through renewable sources made Brazil to stand out in this sector with the production of alcohol and also the biodiesel one. Biodiesel is a fuel made from vegetable oils, residual oils and fats of animal origin mixed with short chain alcohol, methanol or ethanol, in the presence of a catalyst. The physic nut is a culture that has become important to the Brazilian production program and use of biodiesel by its productivity, quality of its oil, capacity of developing well in semiarid regions. One of the ties for this culture is the harvest due to the fact of not existing appropriate mechanization technologies yet for this operation. The productive period of physic nut is too long, reaching 4 to 5 months, with nonuniform fruit maturation. The harvest is conventionally made in a manual way. The agricultural mechanization already showed to be very efficient for other cultures, such as coffee, cotton, soybean among others, decreasing costs and increasing the production capacity of the farmers. The mechanized harvest of physic nut is an alternative to be able to increase its cultivated area and decrease its costs of production. This work had the objective to set the necessary parameters of the physic nut for the development of equipment for mechanized harvest by vibration.


biodÃesel colheita mecanizada jatropha curcas engenharia agricola mecanizaÃÃo agrÃcola

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