Pessoa e direito, corpo e ciência : negociando significados e preceitos cosmológicos em torno da legalização do aborto




In this dissertation it was analyzed a bill project related to the legalization of abortion, its conduction in the Brazilian Federal Congress and incorporation to the 1135/91 Legislative Project in 2005 - 2006. Based on the ethnographic research of the two phases of this process a) public hearings of the Comissão Tripartite de Revisão da Legislação Punitiva do Aborto and b) the arena of discussions of the bill in the House of Representatives it was examined how the scientific and juridical discourses were mobilized in public deliberations and the meanings given to the categories of body and personhood, which actively participated in the symbolic constructions made about the voluntary interruption of pregnancy.


congresso nacional personhood corpo revisão legislativa pessoa antropologia brazilian federal congress aborto gênero abortion gender legal revision body

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