Pesquisa em Educação : O Plano de Desenvolvimento da Escola, PDE na escola pública de Ensino fundamental em Mato Grosso do Sul : o gerencial e o pedagógico




The development of school plan DSP, as organized proposal of operating the public school in MS state, became the object of the study, presently systematized in this dissertation. The start point of this study is the crystallized management strategic planning in DSP, with the speech of readjust the public school, transforming it in a efficient school, in order that it may offer to students (clients) a quality teaching . The expositing of this work was organized in 04 (four) parts. The first, analyzed the educational politics ambit produced by International Organisms, National and Local, the relationships established between the "school for everybody", financing and administration, by the edge of political economy of the 90 years. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of DSP in the organization and execution of the Fundamental Teaching in public school. The second part, attended to analyze the DSP, in broad functioning, inside the public school of the micro region of Campo Grande MS. In this part of the research , the target was to comprehend in which dimension the management is related with the didactic pedagogy work of public school searching for excellence quality teaching. Boated speech by the DSP. At the third part developed a study of the origin of the work organization in contemporary public school, as a whole, through the colloquy established with João Amós Coménio, in Ddática Magna, and with Gilberto Luiz Alves in his book A produção da escola pública contemporânea. The goal of this colloquy was to verify how the principals of the organization in modern public school could contribute to the understanding of DSP as organized proposal of actual public school work. And, finally, at the forth part of this research, searched to investigate the direction of crystallized management strategic planning in DSP, as broaching the work administration in its most development degree, expression of work division and its unfolded , in interior of the capitalist production way.


ensino fundamental public school escola pública educacao

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