This work is the result of a doctoral dissertation developed in Environmental Education: Teaching and Teacher Education, a strand in the Post-graduation Program in Environmental Education at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande FURG. The research problem aimed at comprehending how the educative processes heightened the sense of belonging in an in-service program in Environmental Education. My three starting points were: 1) Which discourses in Environmental Education have emerged from the planning, execution, and evaluation of Projects of Environmental Action?; 2) How have the Projects of Environmental Action contributed to the environmental educators education process?; and 3) Which contribution has on-line education brought to the subjects environmentalization when it was hard to attend regular classes? I believed in the contribution of narrative research to in-service education since, by narrating, a subject reflects, invents him/herself, and broadens the comprehension s/he has of the context s/he belongs to because s/he establishes relations and enriches his/her interpretation of reality by making it more complex. The research is based on Clandinin and Connelly (2000) who emphasize that life is constituted by narrative fragments which are staged in time and space and can be understood in terms of narrative units. In this point of view, the experience in life is the key. Therefore, the object of study is always the experience which is studied in a narrative way, since narrative thought is a kind of experience, of writing and reflecting upon it. In other words, narrative can be the phenomenon and the method to study this very phenomenon, as well. The research corpus was collected in the Specialization Program in Environmental Education (written profiles, narratives entitled Environmental Education and I and The City we Have and the City we Want, blogs, and term papers). Discursive Textual Analysis was used as the analysis tool. Firstly, I disassembled the set of data in a process called unitarization, the construction of units of meaning and codification. Afterwards, I carried out the process of categorization which led to the three following categories: the sense of belonging to a place, the discourses in Environmental Education, and the education process of environmental educators through on-line programs. The theoretical basis of the emerging categories aimed at broadening the comprehension of the research problem. Fictional narratives, or rather, constitutive bricolage (Cupelli and Galiazzi, 2008), were then made in order to problematize the categories and point out the arguments defended in this dissertation. The development of the research enabled me to defend that education processes in Environmental Education need to include belonging, planning, and the development of actions in Environmental Education, besides writing as narrative, in their curricula. In this sense, on-line education is an ally, i. e., a state of becoming, because it enables in-service education to take place where the educator works. In other words, the sense of belonging is heightened in processes of in-service education in Environmental Education while they s@il, act and narr@te in their places.


educação ambiental formação de educadores pesquisa narrativa educacao environmental education on-line education teacher education educação a distância narrative research

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