Perícia contábil nas tomadas de decisões dos magistrados nos processos de falência e concordatas nas varas cíveis da região do Grande ABC


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In Brazil the Forced Agreement and Bankruptcy institute encloses all types of productive entities, either as a general partnership or as an individual enterprise according to the Decree-Law # 7661 of June 21, 1945. The enterprise survives essentially with the credit mechanism, the latter being one of its own characteristics as it participates directly in the collective economic activity. Even due to a financial unbalanced reason or due to usual reasons in the market, including the globalization advent, the competition becomes fierce. The competence and the entrepreneurial planning are vital factors for the administration performance. Therefore, such an enterprise might have unsatisfactory results. Consequently, even through an enterprise recuperation plan, the reality is very complicated, because at this point several enterprises are already exposed to bankruptcy. Facing this condition the judge will designate an authorized professional to demonstrate the enterprise financial peculiarities. The aim is to maintain the rights and the obligations of the involved parties. Having the accounting several specialties and being one of them the AUDIT EXPERT it is used as one of the tools to clear up situations where there are disputes. When an Audit expert is performed, it should be taken into consideration the social effects resulting from it, mainly because the Auditor Expert is a justice assistant. An empiric research, with a specific questionnaire applied to judges of the civil courts that belong to the great ABC area this project has tried to highlight the fairness among the procedures. They are adopted by using the structure, the veracity through the technical and scientifical knowledge over facts capable of providing to the judge the elements of conviction. So, he can decide with a higher degree of accuracy due to the Audit Expert Report effectiveness. Such a report, attached to the court records, allows the magistrate the knowledge of the facts, which he would hardly have in hands, if it were any other way i.e. to use it as a support tool for taking decisions whenever an enterprise is part of a process of Forced Agreement or Bankruptcy. Based on the answers the final conclusion is reached and becomes evident that the Audit Expert contributes a lot to the magistrate while taking decisions in specific processes of Forced Agreement and Bankruptcy civil courts.


ciencias contabeis perícia contábil contabilidade - laudos periciais falência concordata bankruptcy forensic accounting accounting - expert reports composition (law)

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