Perfil imunoistoquimico dos receptores VEGFR-1 e VEGFR-2 em tres fases do desenvolvimento pulmonar fetal no modelo de hernia diafragmatica congenita induzida pelo nitrofen / Profile of receptors VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 in three of fetal lung development in congenital diaphragmatic hernia induced by nitrofen




The Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) is a defect in the embryogenesis of the diaphragm with an incidence of 1:2500 liveborns and high fetal and neonatal mortality due to pulmonary hypoplasia and hypertension. This defect can be experimentally induced in fetuses of pregnant rats by the administration of Nitrofen, an herbicide that causes CDH in 24% of the fetuses. The histology of lungs in CDH shows pulmonary hipoplasia and not only the alveolarization but also the vascularization are affected. These changes lead to a high neonatal mortality because of the thickening of the middle layer of the arterioles causing pulmonary hypertension. One of the factors involved in the growth of the arterioles is VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) and its receptors; however, it is not known how the expression of this glycoprotein and its receptors change during lung development in this disease. In Brazil, the experimental model has never been tested. So, we tested the model and verified the degree of pulmonary hipoplasia and, using imunohystochemistry, we compared the expression of the receptor of VEGF in three different stages of lung development, pseudoglandular, canalicular and saccular, of normal rat fetuses and fetuses with CDH. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided in three groups: external control (EC), exposed to olive oil (OO) and exposed to nitrofen (N). We studied four groups - EC, OO, N with CDH and N without CDH - with 20 fetuses in each five different gestational days (GD) 17,5, 18,5, 19,5, 20,5, 21,5. The morphologic variables studied were: body weight (BW), total lung weight (TLW), left lung weight (LLW), relationship TLW/BW, total lung volume (TLV) and left lung volume (LLV). The hystometric variables studied were: lung parenchyma (LP), air space (AS), left lung parenchyma density (PD) and left lung parenchyma volume (PV). The immunohystochemistry variables were: points positive and negative for the receptor for VEGF 1 and 2. We had 37% (100/270) of CDH frequency in the fetuses exposed to nitrofen. All the morphological and hystometrical variables show a reduction in the nitrofen group with and without CDH, which were more pronounced in the group of fetuses with CDH. These changes are more evident from the GD 18,5 and 19,5 on. The receptors VEGFR-1 e 2 are increased in the nitrofen groups with and without CDH, but this increase is higher in the fetuses with CDH. We conclude that the model is valid and that the fetuses exposed to nitrofen with and without CDH show primary pulmonary hypoplasia that is more pronounced in CDH, the same is also observed in the receptors of VEGFR-1 and 2


anomalias congenitas modelo experimental diaphragm diafragma pulmão - doenças - diagnóstico experimental model congenital abnormalities pulmão - fisiologia lung feto - anomalias fetus lung

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