The advent of the Internet has provoked a total revolution in the so-called traditional means of communication (radio, television, newspaper and magazine), compelling to a reformularization of concepts and forms of news production adapted to the technological apparatus of cyberculture. If television was marked by the convergence of media, the Internet added to journalism characteristic qualities of interactivity and hypermedia, which are challenges for communication in cyberspace. In this sense, this study aims to analyze the profile of the journalist who acts in the digital medium, the so-called web journalist. Another proposal is to analyze the mutations derived from transferring news to an interactive digital environment, and net flows, thus incorporating images, sounds, and texts, in the search for the appropriate language for the web news program. Based on my own professional experiences, I intend to transpose information related to the case study of Paraná TV news program, of the Rede Paranaense de Comunicação, affiliated to Rede Globo, which entered the digital world in the website of TV Paranaense. The adopted method is the documentary research, following analytical procedures based on theoreticians of the Cyberculture, with special focus on web journalism. Comparative bases helped detecting the remix that reconfigures the journalistic text in the web. Data analysis disclosed some characteristics of the structure that constitutes the language of the hypermedia and that consequently influenced the profile of the web journalist. This influence brought the systemizing reflections that had favored learning and exercise of journalism on-line. By means of interviews with professionals who changed for the digital way and researchers of cyberculture, an analysis of the peculiarities involving this migratory phenomenon is presented, as well as the challenges and expectations concerning the market. The study finishes making a comparison between the anthropologist and the journalist, emphasizing the necessity of paradigm change as to the performance of the journalist, highlighting the operating character of the profession. The present study ascertains that the web journalist has a differentiated profile, and, as such, quickly needs to mold to the new conditions of work and challenges.


remixing comunicacao web journalism hypermedia hipermídia comunicação e linguagens webjornalista communication comunicação cyberculture remixagem webjornal web journalist cibercultura

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