Perfil do aleitamento materno e suporte dos agentes comunitÃrios de saÃde




One of the aims of this dissertation was to conducted a literature review on the role of community health agents (CHA) towards the encouragement of breastfeeding. This review found out that there are a few articles addressing to this subject. These data were collected from MEDLINE, Lilacs and SciELO, technical books and also some reports from national and international organizations from 1981 to 2006. Secondly it is presented the results of an original articles that aimed to to assess the impact of an intervention program to encourage exclusive breastfeeding through the training of community health agents (CHA) in two Sanitary Districts (SD) in Recife. This study consisted of a âbefore-afterâ community trial, which compared data obtained with different subjects, before and six months after the establishment of the program. The sample comprised 411 infants under six months of life before the intervention and 426 infants after it. A total of 156 CHA were trained in SD V and 244 in SD III, being the program from July to September 2003 in SD V and from November 2003 to April 2004 in SD III. It was verified a significant increase of the frequency of exclusive breastfeeding before and after the intervention in the age group from three to six months. There was a decrease in the proportion of water intake, use of pacifier and of bottle after the intervention, as well as a significant increase in the proportion of orientation provided to the mothers by the CHA during the postnatal period. Therefore, this study shows the important role of the CHA that if adequately trained might encourage, promote and support the mothers contributing to increase the duration of exclusive breastfeeding


aleitamento materno aleitamento materno exclusivo nutricao intervenÃÃo

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