Perfil da equipe de enfermagem acometida por algias na coluna vertebral na rede pública do município de Cacoal no Estado de Rondônia




Work related muscle skeletal problems has been an increasing relevance in public health and are the second cause of absent of work in Brazil and responsible for 80% of accidents related benefits and retirement by INSS(Brazilian social security sistem). Nurse workers have affected several parts of spinal column because of great use of body in their work. To identify the relevance of this problem in nurse workers in the city of Cacoal, Rondonia state we perform a descriptive study to evaluate the profile of nurse workers in public hospitals with spinal pain in the last 12 months. The study group was composed by 69 nurse workers in practice in Unidade Mista de Cacoal and Hospital Materno Infantil. We apply to every nurse team member that agree to participate in the study a questionary. We observed that 85,5% of nurse workers had some kind spinal column in the last 12 months. The region most commonly affected was the lumbar region in 44% of cases. In the last 12 months these complaints occurred more than 10 times in 42% of nurse workers and in 35.6% of nurse workers had been absent of work because of pain. One factor possibly associate with spinal column pain could be the lack of appropriated hospital furniture. 69.5% of nurse workers think that the hospital furniture was not appropriate in their work place. In conclusion the lack of knowledge of nurse workers about ergonomic risks could be a cause of spinal pain of this professionals, and these professionals need some kind of ergonomic program.


saude publica manipulation of patient equipe de enfermagem manipulação de pacientes pain in the spine dor na coluna vertebral nurse workers

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