Da aldeia ao asfalto : o percurso sociolinguistico dos indios residentes no Distrito de Riozinho, Municipio de Cacoal, Estado de Rondonia




This Thesis is a research about a Suruí indian group who call themselves as "Suruí Paíter". They speak Suruí Language and they live in Riozinho, a District of Cacoal, in Rondônia, in Brazil. Suruí Paíter, this research s object lived in villages named "Linhas 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14", in the indigenous area called "Sete de Setembro", located in Aripuanã. After the contact with immigrants who carne ITom several parts ofthe Country to Rondônia State, and this fact occurs at the same time of the instalation of the FUNAI?s department in the District of Riozinho, the Suruí Paíter had their land invaded by the new colonizers, and they also had stolen their woods, their animaIs and their landed properties. They saw their rivers and their forest been devasted day-by-day and, quickly, they contracted diseases that caused dead of the members of their families. In contact with the white men, and specially because they needed medicines, foods and c1othes, they were forced to move to the urban area. While they stayed in the city waiting for material confort they were deciding to move to there and they bought houses which they transformed in huts, like their original buildings. Forced by the contact with the white people they learned Portuguese language, because when they lost their landed properties they were exposed to the natural process of the loose of their culture, as in their language, their religion and in all their life. Today is installed a situation of conflictual use of Portuguese Language and Sumí Language as a bilinguism, in special by the men who need to preserve the traditions at the same time that need to sell their products from their forest for surviving with their families, but we have many Sumí s voices asking for the victory to Portuguese language. During the research we show the teorical readings that directed us to define the practices of languages utillized by this people. We show the members way of speeaking to help us in finding this definition. In our sample of research we utillized important sociolinguistics instruments for collecting our dates: the questionary, the interview, tape recorded and video. Our first contact with our informants was in 2000 and, after, in the second semester of 2002, when we carne back to confirm datas and for collecting new ones


linguagem e cultura indios surui sociolinguistica cultura e sociedade

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