Perfil, crenças, sentimentos e atitudes de familiares doadores e não-doadores de órgãos / Organ donor families and non-donor families attitudes, feelings, beliefs and profile




Organs transplant shortage is a global problem. In Brazil, only a sixth of potential donors who come to the Intensive Care Units become effective donors. The main obstacle to the organs donation and transplantation process is the refuse of families. OBJETIVES: to determine the donors profile, in order to understand which are the most determinant features related to positive or refuses donation decisions. METHODS: From November 2004 to May 2006, Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) approached 243 next-of-kin of brain-dead patients to ask about the organs donation from these potential donors. After a year, in respect for their mourning, all families were summoned to a new interview, object of this study. However, to assess the donors profile, a structured interview was used. The data was analyzed quantitatively. All statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS software for Windows 13.0. Statistical Significance was assumed for the p <0.05. RESULTS: 56 relatives (57% donors and 43% non-donors) participated in the study. This research observed that gender, ethnicity, education, income and religion did not influence the donation process. Different variables were associated with the donation decision in bivariate analysis, for example, older age of the potential donor (p=0,007), brain death caused by disease (p=0,004), family satisfaction with the professionalism of the approach to donation (p=0,004), functional beliefs as I must do well record the decision (p=0,001), feeling of comfort during the OPO approached (0,027) and relevant opinion and attitude in decision-making was collateral relative (sibling/uncle) or a son of the potential donor (p=0,005). Otherwise in multivariate analysis only the potential donor age and relevant opinion in decision-making emerged as positive significant variable correlated with the consent of the donation. CONCLUSIONS: When brothers, uncles or son of potential donors are involved directly in decision-making process, the potential donor is always older and the probability to consent donation is statistically higher. Aspects that make difficult to accept the loss as a violent death, strong emotional bond, early age, reversing natural order, like when a son die before their parents, and especially denial of death are factors that difficult the consent for organs donation. Strategies in the field of donation should be developed, aiming to improve human and educational levels for coordinators and members of OPO.


transplante de órgãos obtenção de tecidos e órgãos doação de órgãos organ transplantation tissue donors família/aspectos psicológicos family/psychological aspects tissue and organ procurement

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