Perda de originalidade e extinções simuladas de espécies arbustivo-arbóreas de cerrado


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Originality measures how different a given species is from all other species regarding either their phylogenetic history or functional traits and may be used to assign conservation priorities. This dissertation is divided into two chapters. In the first chapter, we introduced and defined the phylogenetic and functional originalities, which are still underused. We discussed the advantages of using this approach and showed how it could be used in conservation plans. In the second chapter, we analysed the relationships between phylogenetic, and functional originalities, their relationships with the environment, and their losses under extinction scenarios based on species abundance, fire tolerance, and habitat preference. We placed 100 plots in a cerrado reserve located in central Brazil, sampled all woody plants within the plots, measured 14 functional traits, and measured soil, topography, and fire. We assembled a phylogenetic tree, and a functional dendrogram, with which we calculated the originalities. Phylogenetic- and functional-based originalities were correlated, and both increased towards harsher environments. However, the loss of functional originality was different from random extinctions on the abundance and fire tolerance scenarios, whereas the loss of phylogenetic originality was not. Functional originality seemed to be a better surrogate to be used in conservation strategies, because it was sensitive to differences in species abundances and fire tolerance.


filogenia traços funcionais conservation fire savanna conservação fogo ecologia de ecossistemas functional traits phylogeny ecossistema savanas

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