Perception of subjective gains and losses among caregivers of patients attended by a home care program / "Percepção de perdas e ganhos subjetivos entre cuidadores de pacientes atendidos em um programa de assistência domiciliar"




The objective of this research was to investigate the perception of informal caregivers of patients attended by a home care program, about the care and its impact, studying positive and negative aspects associated with this role and the influence of home care and its development. Fifty caregivers of patients registered at NADI Hospital das Clínicas of FMUSP, participated in the study, answering the questions of a semi-structured interview and the Caregiver Burden Scale. Caregivers refer to positive aspects of caring related to learning and narcisistic gains, as well as to negative ones, such as the loss of freedom. It includes that caring brings losses and gains to the caregiver which are related to his involvment with the activity and that the staff´s orientation is very important for their feeling of security


percepÇÃo cuidados domiciliares de saÚde caregivers/psychology interview psychological/methods home nursing pacientes domiciliares/psicologia perception scales homebound persons/psychology entrevista psicolÓgica/métodos cuidadores/psicologia escalas

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