Percepção das mães de crianças atendidas em equoterapia




Introduction: The Horseback riding therapy is a therapeutical and educational resource that uses the horse in an interdisciplinary approach in the health, educational and equestrian areas, aiming the biological and psychosocial development of people with various kinds of handicap. This therapeutical resort is pointed out because it makes possible a better participation, integration or a closer accompaniment of the family to the sessions. Goal: To analyze the patients mothers knowledge and perception about the riding therapy. Casuistry and Method: It is about an exploratory and descriptive study of qualitative character, which had used the analysis of content method. The sample was composed by twenty-two patients mothers that attend the Horseback riding therapy at the Centro de Equoterapia Rancho Dourado, in Cuiabá-MT. From the twenty-two interviewed mothers, eleven were patients mothers who were CRIDAC members, and eleven were private patients. It was adopted, as inclusion criteria, biological patients mothers that attended at least eight sessions of riding therapy. To guide the interviews, it was elaborated a basic script with open questions, that were recorded and transcribed aiming the apprehension of the contained meaning in the answers, later the similar meaning answers were grouped, to count the frequency and other aspects that could be quantified. Results: It was verified that the patients mothers who were CRIDAC members have a difference in the socio-economic level when compared to the private patients mothers. All of them present some knowledge about the riding therapy, and had talked about some therapeutical benefits, the Physical Benefits was the most identified category, and the Motor Problems was the most mentioned among the pathology categories. Most of the mothers are married, their children are in the 1-8 age band, approximately half of them have Cerebral palsy, followed by Down syndrome, and most of them attended another kind of treatment, apart from the riding therapy, from which all of the patients improvement gauge changes. Approximately half of the participants heard about the riding therapy for the first time, from a health professional, and the Neurologist was the one that most pointed it. Conclusion: The participants of this study have enough knowledge about the Horseback riding therapy, all of them noticed changes on their children after the beginning of this therapy, however they presented some differences related to the socio-demographics and occupational characteristics of the participants. The caregiving mothers (group A) also identified more subtle changes, such as relaxation, and can relate the obtained profits of their children on the daily activities. The possibility to accompany their children makes these mothers understand the potentialities of the children, noticing them in a different way, and this experience can be transferred to the home environment.


percepção. informação equoterapia; equitação uso terapêutico; crianças deficientes cuidados e tratamento horseback riding therapy perception. mmothers equoterapia mães psicologia information

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