Pediatria e saúde mental da criança: uma experiência de ensino na Residência Médica / Pediatrics and children\ s mental health: an experiment on teaching at the medical internship


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This paper describes and analyzes the internists´ evaluation of the teaching programme on Children´s Mental Health as part of the discipline of Community Pediatrics given at the Butantã Public Health Center during the first year of internship on Pediatrics at the Medical School of the São Paulo University. To give a proper context to the experiment, the author describes the historical process that helped to define the present situation of the disciplines involved with children´s health Puericulture, Pediatrics and Children´s Mental Health inside the larger field of Public Health. The concept of the child´s subjectivity is presented as the central point of the work with the internists and its´importance to their medical formation is discussed at length. This analysis is based on 58 texts written by the internists at the end of their period as part of their final exams. The texts´ contents were studied by means of discourse analysis. This work demonstrates the relevance of the reflection about the professional role and practice and the growing interest on a field most unexplored through graduation and internship´s years, with significant contributions to the global care of the children as postulated by the institute


children s mental health ensino em pediatria pediatrics internship pediatrics teaching residência médica em pediatria saúde mental da criança subjectivity subjetividade

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