Participação social: a comunicação que aproxima e distancia usuários e trabalhadores da Saúde da Família / Social participation: the distant and close communication between users and employees of the Family Health Strategy.




The research object of this study is the dynamics of the health teams, with emphasis on communication between users and health workers, seen as essential for the participation in specific areas in the Family Health Strategy (FHS). The FHS is based on the principles of the Unified Health System (SUS), especially in social participation, regulated by health legislation, by means of Health Conferences and Councils. Health Councils and similar teams are spaces in which the participation of civil society in public policies should be encouraged. Literature indicates the limits of the health forums, emphasizing the predominance of the biological and curative health care models, imposed and prescritive communication, and lack of training for social participation. The potentials identified were greater integration between users and health workers. This qualitative research was based on approximations to the Theory of Communicative Action, by Jürgen Habermas, which understands communication as an intersubjective agreement among subjects, and social participation as the relationship between civil society and politics, in the scope of the enlarged State. Five participant observations were carried out with members of the health teams in a Family Health Unit, in a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Afterwards, 14 semi-structured interviews were conducted with the participants who had higher frequency in these spaces: six health workers and eight users. Content analysis, thematic modality, was applied to interpret the empirical material, from which the characterization of the subjects of study and the communication in the spaces of participation were done. Communications in collegiate reveal that generate two dimensions: distance and approaches between these subjects and with the process of participation. Communication in teams showed two dimensions that causes: distance and closeness between subjects and between them and the participation process. Regarding the distance caused by communication, results showed the silence of the users in the spaces for discussion is related to their social insertion, relationship disagreements, and the use of technical and codified language by workers who, generally, control and define what can be discussed in the teams and show that there are distance/ruptures in the participation. Concerning actions which cause the approximation of subjects, the research indicates that interaction between users and workers is encouraged in the teams, promoting mergers/meetings of horizons. Local issues are also discussed, which are practices that support the principle of social participation in the Family Health Strategy. The limits present are can be problematized with the subjects who lead this process, in order to give them a new direction. There are "lines of escape" that allow for the possibility of building collective projects of happiness, through intersubjective dialogue, based on the recognition of the other as subject.


consumer participation communication programa saúde da família primary health care participação comunitária family health program comunicação atenção primária à saúde

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