Para que servem os terrenos de marinha? Uma anÃlise geoespacial sobre a funÃÃo sÃcio-ambiental de terras pÃblicas da uniÃo no litoral norte de MaceiÃ, Alagoas




This research makes an evaluation on the social-ambient function in the band of lands and increased of marine of the coast north of MaceiÃ, through the mapping of the âurban vacancyâ that are enrolled in the Regimen Legal of Registration of Occupation, and that it does not have full domain of the area, and that they are considered in such a way, potentials and passÃveis of implantation of urbanambient public politics. The methodology was constructed observing the contained reality of MaceiÃ, evaluating if âurban vacancyâ in the band of lands of marine, while public property of the Union fulfilled its preset social-ambient function in the Federal Constitution of 1988, in the Statute of the Cities of 2001 and in the Municipal Managing Plan of 2005. It was evaluated social-ambient function of these urban vacancy, under the point of view of the possibility of in agreement occupation the pointed territorial demands in the Managing Plan, in which it resulted in the following classification: (i) Urban Vacancy for Public Equipment - V.U.E.P; (II) Urban Vacancy for Habitation of Social Interest - V.U.H.I.S; e (III) Urbans Vacancy of Ambient Interest. Moreover, studies on the conceptualization of lands of marine in the history had been developed, in which if its purpose evaluated which and that papers they develop. One still observed the complexity of the technique adopted for landmark of lands of marine, when of the identification and definition of the LPM/1831, in virtue of its natural elements and the instability of the line of reference adopted for law and the new practical dismemberments that the Remote Sensing can provide to the urban studies.


terrenos de marinha âurban vacancyâ funÃÃo sÃcio-ambiental lands of marine and remote sensing sensoriamento remoto aplicado ao planejamento urbano social-ambient function geotecnica

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