Panorama da industria de rochas ornamentais e oportunidades para o Ceara




This dissertation shows a panorama of the Dimension Stone Industry and points out some opportunities for its development in Ceará State. The Romans were responsible for the introduction of the ornamental application of the rocks. At the beginning the production was small and local, but now it is worldwide and based on advanced technological structure which gave the leadership of market to the granitic rocks.The international rock trade is shared by more than 30 countries that can be characterized as exporters of raw stones, exporters of raw and processed stones and buyers. Brazil is an exporter of raw and processed stones. In the 80 s there were a great development represented by the production of the following States, Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Rio Grande do Sul States. In 1989, the exportations were up to US$ 40 million. In Ceará State there are very good conditions for the development of this industry such as mineral resources, infra-structure, potential market and good geographical position concerning to the world market


rochas ornamentais - industria minas e recursos minerais - ceara

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