Palavra, harmonia e o platonismo ficiano na monodia dramatica da seconda pratica / Speech, harmony and ficinian platonism in the dramatic monodies of the seconda pratica




This research aimed to investigate the relationship between speech and harmony in the repertoire of dramatic monodies of the seconda pratica. After considering the alternative of applying the ethos doctrine associated to the modes and examining the implications of the concepts of pathos, mutatio, and hexachordum, it locates the importance of the platonic thought as advocated by Marisilius Ficino in the cultural context that surrounded the emergence of the seconda pratica. Consequently, this research aimed to extract directly from the source of inspiration indicated by the followers of the seconda pratica, the Latin translation of Plato’s work, the definition and attributes of the concepts of melodia and its constituent parts: oratio, harmonia and rhythmus. Considering the results of this investigation which pointed towards the importance of dialectics in the constitution of the platonic concept of oratio, this works sought to relate this concept to the harmonic practice of the repertoire examined as revealed by the work of Eric Chaffe. Taking the specierum copula as a possible common denominator between oratio and harmonia, five examples of dramatic monodies of the seconda pratica extracted from Jacopo Peri’s and Claudio Monteverdi’s works based on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice are analyzed. The results of the analyses support the possibility that these composers have aimed, by means of well elaborated harmonic progressions, to give material form to the relationship between the ideas expressed by the text, the true essence of speech according to platonic thought. This was accomplished presuming that two triads separated by a fifth are considered contiguous, generating therefore a polarization of the harmonic spectrum over the flat/sharp axis. The outcome of this research points towards an increase of our perception over the extension and significance of the influence of Platonism in the seconda pratica movement.


análise do discurso seconda pratica platonism platonismo seconda pratica speech

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