Palavra e sedução : uma leitura dos prefacios oitocentistas (1826-1881)




This work is the result of four years of researches, readings and reflections, in order to comprehend the reading images printed on Brazilian prefaces in the 19tb century. When reading prefaces, I suggest the analysis of three categories: profile of the readers, the image of the author and the construction of the romantic style during the first half of the 19tb century, through the author s own discourse. Prefaces also work as the place where debates are practiced, trying to shape the romantic style which has been recognized during the century. By means of these prologues, we are able to follow the long and progressive process of change of the images, opinions and thoughts of romancists and the romantic style. Under this point of view, the prefaces of the 19tb century romances should be examined as elements of the history of the romantic style and the formation of future readers. Through these texts, it is possible to investigate how this formation process took place. The first thing analyzed was the definition of reader. Who would be the target reader and for the sculpted reader formed by the 19tb century romancists in their prefaces? How can we verify the signs of the way covered by the author in order to seduce and capture the readers? Would serial publications and romances be part of the feminine universe only or would they be part of a larger mixed group of readers, men and women for example? The role played by the author is the second analysis made in this work. In the texts of the prefaces, some characterizations of the novelist are shown. Among other roles, a writer must enrapture the reader by using a persuasive speech. In order to do so, the author makes promises and postulates valid argumentation. At last, the third and final analysis is about how the romantic style was handled by the author in the preface. Prefaces are also important spaces to debate the procedures of the creation of the new romantic style in Brazil. In order to produce the corpus of this research, it will be analyzed the prefaces of romances published between 1822 and 1881, written by renowned authors, well known by the public and critics, as well as romances written by not so famous authors. Prefaces - also know as prologues, forewords, proems, letter to the reader, preambles, prelusion - which in general, introduce the text of the romance, have purposes that go beyond a mere introduction. They are, sometimes, the way to explain the literary work and to debate questions of literary criticism. The introductory texts work as a guide to the literary work, the way the author explains and justifies herself, to debate ideas, to complain and also, to seduce the reader


leitores prosa (literatura) leitura - historia prefacios - coletaneas leitura - historia e critica

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