Ouvidorias Públicas Municipais no Brasil




This research deals with the role of the Municipal Public Ombudsman in Brazil, discussing its possibilities of action, difficulties and limits. The Ombudsmen are authorities of direct participation, who have as main function the mediation between the citizen and the State, by addressing the demands that are put forward. As there is no regulation in the federal scope for the Ombudsman, there are several models of Municipal Ombudsmen which have similar proposals but different results that are not always related to the aims of the popular participation proposal in the State. A research was carried out with the existing Municipal Ombudsmen, a quantitative survey with a sample and qualitative interviews with the Ombusdsmen from the cities of Santos (SP), Santo André (SP) and Jundiaí (SP). These surveys and research were based on the existing theoretical debate, the legislation about the Ombudsman in Brazil and the professional experience of this papers author who is a staff member of Campinas Ombudsman. The moment of the Ombudsmans implementation in the cities is highlighted by the coexistence and dispute of different interests and political projects in the Brazilian society, between democratic and neoliberal principles. This paper draws the attention to the fact that the Ombudsmen have been through difficulties related to the lack of transparency by the State and the denial of the right to information by the public administration, which is essential to the Ombudsmans duties. This research is part of the effort to increase the debate about the functioning of the Municipal Ombudsman and the possibility to improve their action, with the prospect of providing guidance to new Ombudsmen that will be established and action improvement of the ones in operation


ouvidorias públicas municipais municipal public ombudsman state estado arquitetura e urbanismo citizen cidadão

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