Otimização energetica de rede de trocadores de calor : abordagem multi-objetivo em grafo generalizado




This work develops an optimization model for heat exchanger network synthesis which adequately represents the actual process. The model allows the evaluation of the intluence of the minimum utility usage and of the minimum heat transfer area in the heat exchange process. Rather than presenting a single solution where one of the objectives has been optimized, a complete set of efficient solutions is generated. The most suitable solution can then be chosen. The objectives are analyzed based on multiple criteria optimization techniques. The heat transfer is modeled in accordance with constraints imposed by generalized graph theory. An algorithm is used to correctly evaluate the stream temperature intervals in the processo Moreover, the model allows the inclusion of alI restrictions regarding the combinations among the streams and part of the heat loss inherent to them. Since heat dissipation to environment is considered, the model generates results similar to those achieved in practice. Nevertheless, to reach the objectives it is necessary to utilize several combinations between streams, increasing the amount of heat exchange equipment required


otimização matematica energia - conservação trocadores de calor recuperação de calor teoria dos grafos

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