Otimização do meio de cultura para a fermentação direta de melaço de cana para produção de ácido láctico por Lactobacillus delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus / Optimization of medium for direct fermentation of sugarcane molasses for lactic acid production by Lactobacillus delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The interest in lactic acid has grown strongly in the last years since the discovery of its properties of application in production of biodegradable and biocompatible polylactate polymers and their application as "green solvent¿ or ¿safety solvent¿ to processes of mixtures of solvents in the chemical industry. Considering the commercial potential of lactic acid, more efficient processes are needed for its synthesis, reducing costs of production and turning its industrial application more atractive, as its cost still prevents it from being used in some areas. This work aimed at improving the process of fermentative lactic acid production, determining formulations that will help develop competitive technologies of production. Furthermore, the use of low cost raw materials, easily available on the brazilian market, such as sugarcane molasses and corn steep liquor is proposed. The species selected for the study was Lactobacillus delbrueckii, two strains were studied, Lactobacillus delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus, shown the greatest growth speed and lactic acid production in the standard culture medium. The optimization study of lactic acid production was performed using the strategy of experimental design, using sugarcane molasses as a carbon source and corn steep liquor as a nitrogen source allowed a productivity of up to 57,17 gL-1 after 96 hours, with 82% lactic acid yield efficiency (g lactic acid produced / g substrate utilized) using an initial concentration of 240 gL-1 and 14 gL-1 of sugarcane molasses and corn steep liquor respectively


acido latico melaço de cana Água de maceração de milho lactobacilo fermentação lactic acid sugarcane molasses corn steep liquor lactobacillus fermentation

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