Otimização do manejo da pinta preta causada por Guignardia citricarpa Kiely na produção ecológica de tangerinas cv. Montenegrina sob a ótica da pesquisa participativa / Optimization of management techniques of black spot (Guignardia citricarpa Kiely.) in ecological orchards of tangerine trees cv. montenegrinafrom the perspective of participatory research


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In the state of Rio Grande do Sul many citric species are grown, the town of Montenegro, in Vale do Caí/RS stands out among the most important producers. For the production of fruits for in natura consumption most of the local farmers adopt technological packages that consist in the use of chemical inputs and in environmetal simplification. However, experiments of ecological farmers in this region demonstrated that it is possible to produce citruses using management methods that exempt the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers. However, they face difficulties in the management of citrus black spot, caused by the fungus Guignardia citricarpa Kiely. This illness depreciates the visual aspect and, when in high severity, causes the fall of the fruits. The usage of microorganisms for the control of ilnesses can interrupt a stage of the ilness or the pathogen life cycle. In this sense, this work has the aim of creating, together with the farmers, a technology of citrus black spot biological control using microorganisms with antagonistic potential, as well as finding problematics of ilness control and solutions for them, and also, create low-cost methodologies to the growth of microorganisms appropriate to local conditions. Microorganisms of the native microflora of agroecological orchards were isolated. These microorganisms were tested in vitro and in vivo regarding their antagonistic potential to the phytopathogen and regarding their pathogenicity to citrus, respectively. Two yeasts and one bacterium (in process of identification) were selected be evaluated in orchards regarding their efficiency in citrus black spot control. An isolated T. Koningii, TC01, was tested in eleven organic orchards of tangerine trees cv. Montenegrina and was evaluated in three of these orchards. The isolated was efficient in the control of black spot. TC01 was cultivated in seven alternative substracts to its massive production, Ecocitrus compound, biodynamic compound, and solid medium with orange juice standed out for their easy access, low cost and high efficiency in the development of the antagonist. The project of participatory research allowed the farmers to observe their orchards and to create autonomy in the serch of appropriate solutions and to test different ways of management.


tangerina montenegrina doença de planta fungo pinta preta cultivo orgânico

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