Os rumos do licenciamento ambiental da mineração no Estado de São Paulo : estudos de caso de licenciamento de bens minerais de uso imediato na construção civil




This work presents a propositional and critica! analysis of the, showing the adopted procedures evolution between 1976 and 1998. On a bistorical approch the environmental arrangement is discussed and the actions of the State related to the environmental policy are also analysed, specially associated with mining activity. It is shown some informations about mining, including the main methods used, the most relevant environmental impacts and mitigative measures, adopted and some post mining uses. From 43 agregate mining case studies located in the areas with a great number of licensed mines in wich is concentrated the productive centers of these resources, formulated hypotheses are discussed, for instance: the environmentallicenses are considered by the businessmen as a guarantee to the viability of the project and once obteined, they allow new investiments; the mining industry has a negative vision related to the environmental licensing system, and they do not know its proceding, the commitments signing, nor the adequa te techniques to mitiga te the environmental impacts caused by its activity; are requered more information than necessary to grant the licenses, demanding complex instrument for the sma11 mines and increasing the costs of the projects; the licensing strategies looking for more agility are succeding; and the projects implantion and the lincensing demands fulfillment are related to the mining industry participation in ists definition, the environmental state system control and the professional adviceof the consultants contract by the entrepreneur. Some results were amazing like the businessmen view about the environmentallicensing or the variabilities that meddle with the projects aproved implantationby the environmental. licensing. Another important topic in tbis work is the briefing about licensing experiences in densed areas, Vales dos Rios Paraíba do Sul and Ribeira de Iguape, Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Jaguari-Mirim and Bairro do Varjão, Município de Iperó, comparing them afterwards to the strategic environmental assessment


direito ambiental politica mineral - aspectos ambientais agregados (materiais de construção) - são paulo setor mineral - legislação

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