Os resultados da escolarização entre os Kaiowá e GHuarani em Mato Grosso do Sul - será o letrado ainda um dos nossos?




This work has to intention to analyze the impact of school in Kaiowá/Guarani - South Mato Grosso. That is, verify the role of school in your cultural dynamics, investigating until point scholars follow identifying thems elves with their culture, with them traditional way-of-been. For that, they are analyzed the conceptions that Kaiowá/Guarani in general and particularly scholars have about their lives and how they are reelaborated in function of their existences (in individual, family and community level), mostly school, having as subjects reference as: life quality, cultural changes, valorization and preservation of the ethnic identity, them acceptance while learned, by the family and of the community, among others. The informers choice of the research were, mainly, with the students had been passed by school, reaching of the ones of the higher education.


indigenous school education, kaiowá/guarani culture, cross-culture. educação escolar indígena, cultura kaiowá/guarani e interculturalidade. educacao

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