Os recursos persuasivos no editorial de jornal sob a perspectiva da lingüística sistêmico-funcional / The persuasive resources in the newspaper editorial under the perspective of systemic functional linguistics




The present study is a social semiotic account of a newspaper editorial, which draws on both Hallidays (1985, 1994) Systemic Functional Linguistics and Faircloughs Critical Discourse Analysis. Of particular interest is the persuasion explicit or implicit present in an editorial from the Brazilian newspaper Folha de S.Paulo. The aim of a critical linguistic analysis of a text is to unfold the meanings hidden in its lexical, semantic, syntactic structures as they gradually mediate the general meaning, and to observe how these meanings help to build its ideological content. As Fairclough (1989: 1) states, consciousness is the first step towards emancipation; he also notes how differences in style or textual strategies in these texts suggest a voice, characteristic of the newspaper in which they are published. What distinguishes the editorial is not the values-and-beliefs offered, but the use of textual strategies that accentuates the act of speech of values-and-beliefs offered, he adds. There are always different ways to say the same thing, and these ways are not accidental alternatives: differences in expression bring ideological distinctions and so bring differences in representation. Thus, I examine an editorial taking into account the pragmatic dimension of this genre, which involves the notion of frame, as a framework that contains the question of intertext in itself, and therefore the notions of reported speech; of crypt-argumentation or secret argumentation; and of footing. The latter heralds the authors position through the concept of appraisal, which involves the notion of tokens of attitude. The analysis, having these theoretical supports as background, will apply the proposal of fallacies and enthymemes in argumentation, by Lauerbach (2007) and by Toulmin (1958) respectively. And, based on evaluative dimensions by Lemke (1998), I will check (a) the linguistic nature of evaluation within such text; (b) the lexico-grammatical items that express this evaluation; and (c) how (a) and (b) concur for construing the editorial argumentations and, in last instance, for building discourse persuasion within this text


argumentacao critical analysis analise critica do discurso persuasao (retorica) análise crítica argumentation systemic functional linguistics lingüística sistêmico-funcional persuasion editorial jornalístico linguistica aplicada newspaper editorial editoriais

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