Os professores em complementação de jornada (CJ) na Rede Municipal de Educação de São Paulo(2011): condições do trabalho e implicações no currículo / Teachers supplementing working time in São Paulo Public District Schools (2011): working conditions and curriculum implications


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research aims at investigating teachers working conditions and practices in the supplementing working time in São Paulo Public District Schools, as well as its curriculum implications. Until 2007, São Paulo Public District Schools had adjunct teachers also known as substitute teachers. This year, however, with the enactment of Law No. 14,660, which amended the Magisterial Statute of 1992, a new structure for the teaching practice emerged, through the introduction of a supplementing working time for teachers, which, in summary, encompasses performing tasks such as substituting absent teachers and monitoring their daily work in the school. In order to understand teachers supplementing working time and their introduction in public schools, this study refers back to authors such as Arroyo (2011), Contreras (2002), Ponce (1997), Marcílio (2005) and Tardif (2009), so as to address issues like curriculum, absenteeism, instability of the teaching practice and e teachers autonomy. It also investigates, for instance, how the curriculum is applied in everyday school activities by teachers supplementing their working time. The research is based on desk studies regarding the history of Public District Schools, on two interviews with union representatives and eight different Regional Offices of Education (ROEs) coordinators, and on the application of questionnaires for twenty-four Middle School teachers. The result analysis points out the lack of autonomy and the loss of their initial optimistic expectations for those teachers in the face of the instability of their working conditions, in association to the current fragmentation of the curriculum applied at schools


curriculo instability of the teaching practice curriculum teachers autonomy absenteeism asenteísmo precarização do trabalho docente autonomia dos professores

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