Os professores e a constituição de sua identidade profissional




The research is about formation teachers and their professional identity, to focus in the public network teachers of the Federal District. It had the aim to discover the process of the formation of the professional identity, starting from the teachers representations, about themselves, their colleagues and about their profession. The conception of the identity, subjectivity, institutions and organizations, were clearly more directly by them to offer theoric suport for that research. The concern to bring teachers vision about themselves, about the other and the profession was central in the work. So like this the option to assembler data was by utilisation the open quest as research tool. The research had no idea to generalise the formation of the professional identity of teachers. The porpouse was to carry out an exploratory research, keeping the subjectivity present in the reflections of researcher teachers. Teachers shown adjustment with the profession dispit so many conflicts and frustations lived day by day in the educative organization. The feeling of the incomplete work are present at the end of the research, althoug it is not possible eather was that the intention to finish the subject. Many possibilities in other to carry on show that is not possible in the research to use up the total reality.


representações educacao professores identidades

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