Os ¿novos¿ discursos sobre alfabetização em análise : os livros de 1º ano do ensino fundamental de nove anos do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD 2010)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research aims at analyzing how the discourses in the area of literacy are represented in the ¿new¿ literacy books by authors and publishers, from principles and criteria of National Program of Textbooks (Programa Nacional do Livro Didático, PNLD 2010), which guided the selection of textbooks. To do so, I rely on the theoretical perspective of poststructuralist and postmodern cultural studies, privileging the analysis of the production, regulation and consumption of discourses related to literacy in four exemplars of textbooks for the 1st year of basic education of nine years (EFNA), seeking to examine how they were formed, that is, which historic and conjuncture conditions made their formulation possible. The guiding questions of this dissertation are: how PNLD, while governmental program, determines which discourses in literacy area are valid for production, regulation and consumption of textbooks in the 2010 edition? How are the discourses about literacy represented in the textbooks examined in this dissertation, which are destined to the 1st year of EFNA, by their authors and publishers? How do such discourses of regulation and production determine the teachers¿ choices and, therefore, the consumption of certain discourses in the area of literacy? To conduct this research analyzed the following documents: the textbooks for literacy of PNLD 2010, the Guide Book Guided PNLD 2010 and four of the 19 textbooks selected for the ¿new¿ 1st year of Elementary School through PNLD 2010, which belong to the collection Letramento e Alfabetização Linguística, including the teacher¿s manual, these four being the most chosen by schools of Municipal Schools of Porto Alegre. Taking as reference the artifacts mentioned above and considering them as part of the production, regulation and consumption of discourses about literacy in textbooks selected by PNLD 2010, this dissertation finds that - apparently - the disputes among ¿traditional¿ and ¿innovative¿ methods of literacy gives room for a work on them, updating the discourse on the teaching of reading methods through the discourse of phonological awareness, which is associated to the written language psychogenesis and to the literacy to produce the PNLD 2010 collection Letramento e Alfabetização Linguística.


cultural studies alfabetização livro didático literacy textbook estudos culturais pnld 2010 efna letramento linguistic literacy programa nacional do livro didático.

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