OS KIKONGO: A RELIGIÃO TRADICIONAL COMO DESAFIO À INCULTURAÇÃO / The Kikongu: the traditional religion and its challenge of incul-turation.




This dissertation is an attempt to investigate the relationship between culture and re-ligion; specifically, the values of the bantu culture and its traditional religion as a fac-tor for recognizing and expressing its identity. Religion is the structure of life and it is religion that determines the social organization of a group. The hypothesis that Christianity and its past methodology almost always negated the difference and the propositions of the kikongu people is the starting point, since these people were con-sidered inferior and to better their lot it would be necessary for them to accept the european colonizer as a model for their life. For this reason, the paradigm of incul-turation constitutes the presuppostion for the possibility to salvage the kikongu cul-ture and to dialogue with it. The african continent with its identity and its originallity has a precious contribution to offer to humanity and also to Christianity, including the life cycle, the valorization and respect for life, solidarity and hospitality. For the kilongu, divine energy is present everywhere in creation. The universe enriches itself and the world is transformed by ceaseless mutation and the interchange of vital en-ergy.


religion religião teologia culture kikongo banto inculturation banto inculturação cultura kikongu

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