Os infames da educação: um estudo sobre as punições de agentes escolares / The infamous of educations: a study about punishment of school actors




The number of punishments of school actors seems to have highly increased over the past few years. Even though there are no official statistics, the number of complaints filed by these agents inside public schools, the amount of juridical work inside the syndicates in order to defend their associates and the numerous articles reporting criminal situations inside schools indicate a sort of political and moral agitation concerning the subject of punishment. It is possible to affirm that the social-historical alterations that our society has been through have changed significantly our cultural understanding of some values such as crime, law, punishments, etc, in the sphere of relationships inside schools. As a result, it is possible to perceive that some sense are made about the individuals that end up being persecuted, and these sense are made in order to attribute to these individuals an infamous role before society and the school community. It was possible, not without some difficulty, to analyze various processes that involved school employees such as cleaning staff, teachers or even headmasters. These processes work as legal inquiries that relay and divulge two techniques that allow visibility to the infamous: to file a complaint and to confess. From them, one is able to twist other inquiries in order to virtualize the facts, so as to attribute a certain behavior to an individual and, at the same time, evaluate his potential danger to the institution. From a methodological approach based on the works of Michel Foucault, it is possible to perceive not only an increase in the numbers of alleged criminals, but also an increased action and distribution of the police force that operates inside the juridical processuality used by educational authorities. As it is not an ideology, but a power technology, one observes, paradoxically, its non-critical use inside educational institutions in general. This broadcasted use of this power technology goes beyond institutional bureaucracy; it seems to respond to a will of truth that has, as a result, the increase and update of pastoral power techniques. Furthermore, these results cause, on those who are not prosecuted, some subjective dispositions which justifies the analysis of this problem based on the governmental perspective. The lawsuits, taken as practices of production of truth, also allow the observation of very important alterations concerning the goals, possibly indicating mutations on the traditional forms linked to the disciplinary power between the ways of power-knowledge-subjectivation, once that, instead of only vectors of normalization, there is a strong tendency for the broadcast of actuarial vectors, what allows one to think of a possible re-equation of the diagram of historical forces that perceives a society of risks.


public school michel foucault governmentality michel foucault punição risk infração disciplinar risco punishment disciplinary infraction escola pública governamentalidade

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