Os impactos da formação continuada na prática docente




The study had as an objective show the impacts of continuous formation on Portuguese Teachers classroom daily practice, Fundamental Education cycle II (5 grade) public school in Mirandópolis, São Paulo state. The beginning of the qualitative research and social historical reference, having as a support the presupposition of historical materialism, offer support to the analysis of the showed informations joint with who participated of the research. Based on historical material, the instrument used was some information, in a semi-structured interview accomplished with three Portugueses teachers (5 grade) of two public schools of São Paulo state (2004). The results of the research show that: a) the continuous formation doesnt cause the desire effects on classroom practice; b) there is an estrangement between the teachers action and the theoretical study, whose the teachers are submit; c) the work qualification doesnt have to be reduced on course offer, but help on a reflexive action subsequent moments of the capacitating at school; d) there is a necessity of a share work among the Education General Secretary, school specialists and teachers so that they know the importance of the theoretical and practical knowing on your auto formation; e) the changes on pedagogical practice realize themselves in a differ way and depend of the subjectivity, values and singularity of each teacher.


formação continuada prática docente teachers practice continuous formation produção de textos educacao texts production

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