Os discursos dos jornalistas freelancers sobre o trabalho: comunicação, mediações e recepção / The Discourses of Freelance Journalists on the Work: communication, mediations and reception


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation seeks to understand the discourses on the work of freelance journalists in São Paulo city from three moments or genres of discourse: quantitative questionnaire, interviews and focus groups. The theoretical framework puts the binomial Communication and Work as constitutive of human activity, and involves Ergology, Historical Materialism and Changes on the World of Work, Discourse Analysis and Reception Studies, together with all the perspectives on the question of the subject, that is social and individual. The discourses of the analysis reveal, in all instances, some adjustment to the new spirit of capitalism and its requirements. They are more individualistic and hardly uttering collective issues; those engaged are excepctions. Considering the world of worlk as central mediation of communication, the research provides a study of reception with the subjects studied, between the discourses on the work. The reception is revelead as the moment par excellence to talk about work. When talking abour the others work, the journalists are confronted with their own work and reveal, in his discourse, values and dramas of real activity of communication and work.


communication comunicação discourse discurso freelance freelancer jornalista journalist recepção reception trabalho work

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