Comunicação, universidade e shopping center: os limites entre os espaços do conhecimento e do consumo / Communication, university and shopping center: the limits between the spaces of the knowledge and the consumption




The communication ways have developed quickly and world-wide and their effects may be noticed in a lot of aspects of the social life. The consumption society that surround us uses that agility and "globalization" of the communication vehicles to dilute the contemporaneous society even more. In these aspects, we chose to analize the junction between University and shopping center, two institutions that have suffered a lot of changes through the years. While one of them has been in conflict for not attending the urban life s demands, the other presents a big expansion and each time occupies more space inside the contemporaneous cities. But, the city faces big challenges today and, through the decades, the University was by its side to try to respond them, like a brain responding to the body s stimulus. However, this reflection space has been transforming itself and new teaching parameters have been gaining space like, for example, the corporative Universities. The contemporaneous communication presents new models that take the role of social actions guiders: the consumption and the personality. The public space dislocates itself to the private space in search for safety and new utopias


consumo shopping centers teoria da comunicacao universities universidades consuption

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