Os corpos que restam : signos marginais na poética de Diamela Eltit : fragmentos da dor e do gozo em Lumpérica e Vaca sagrada




This dissertations aims to study the artistic and literary path of Chilean writter Diamela Eltit. On the narrative stage, representatives of latin-american marginality. Separated by chronology and inserted in different political régimes, the books intertwine in the crushing experience of the Chilean dictatorship and the contingencies of the neo-liberal policies of the peripheric countries, both responsible for the loss of historical sense and the vanishing of popular political struggle. Starting from the left-overs, Eltit builds up a marginal epic that utopically restitutes a central place to the discourse of the downcast, even in their silences. In Vaca Sagrada and Lumpérica, the subversion of power rules, pain and jouissance, in the Lacanian sense, establish themselves as mediators between body and writing, between the subject and the other.


literatura latino-americana diamela eltit diamela eltit marginality latin-american literature dor/gozo lumpérica marginalidade vaca sagrada lumpérica vaca sagrada literatura brasileira pain/jouissance

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