Os conceitos de saúde e de doença: ensino e aprendizagem no ensino fundamental 5 e 8 séries




That dissertation has the focus on the instruction of health and sieness special at 5. and 8. grades. However, to the development of research about the instruction, the conceiptual denonination, was necessary put related between the education matter and the health having. We can say that put two seetors, the health and the education is not na easy work, because each one brings with itself. Their history, their languages and their identifications. The schools were focalized related to the process of the instruction about health and sickness, following that segmentation, the problems emerged in the process of teaching and learning os the students. So, the research has focalized the quality in reasons how described and analysis observed in that enveronment school and declaration of teachers and students. In that perspective three schools of the public fundamental instruction and private become part of the research. Two public schools municipal and state - and private, having both a common look-all the three are neighbourhood around Campo Grande. For the theorie basis, the research option by historie stage, first considers the instruction movement, twenty decade in Brasil. That movement marked, by last the directions taken by social and educational practies until almost the anidllepof thip century. But, the education how appears before the necessities all over Brazil? Now, the pioneer manifestations, would be like the profilaxy to recover the new health for educational systems. By the way, the schools, teachers and students begin to take until almost the middle of this century. But, pratic investigations ending the research by observation made at the school enviramment and after by declarations of teachers and students. Therefore, that research does not finish but it leads to reflect about the side os instruction na the process teach-learning when the subject is the health and the sickness.


research instruction educacao concept ensino, aprendizagem, conceitos.

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