Design de interfaces tangÃveis para aprendizagem de conceitos matemÃticos no Ensino Fundamental




In Brazilian schools, Mathematics is one of the subjects which cause the highest indexes of failure. Results of the National System of Evaluation of Basic Education (SAEB) show that a lot is still to be done for Mathematics Education in Brazil. Teachers of elementary levels frequently resort to concrete materials to help them illustrate concepts in Mathematics classes. Research shows that positive results are obtained from the adequate use of this type of material. However, manipulatives have limitations and seem not to be sufficient to overcome comprehension barriers repeated every year. Another kind of resource which is becoming increasingly popular in schools are the personal computers. Nevertheless, no consensus or practice has been established as to how computers can be effectively used in Education. Tangible interfaces represent an alternative to personal computers, proposing to embed computation in physical objects to create a new type of didactic resource. In this manner, tangible interfaces put together the advantages of physical manipulation and the innovative ways of interaction brought by technology, enhancing therefore the learning experience. This work aims at designing a tangible interface to support learning of fractions in Brazilian elementary schools. For that purpose, we present a context-based methodology which takes into account socio-cultural aspects, practical classroom aspects, and interaction and learning aspects. The study of the context of use of the future product, carried on through observations and interviews, allowed us to elicitate user requirements and technical requirements. Through problem-solving sessions with the students, we identified some students needs as to learning of fractions. Such results led us to propose a tangible interface which we believe to be useful, viable and adequate to the reality of Brazilian schools and children


context user-centred design interfaces tangÃveis ciencia da computacao mathematics education design centrado no usuÃrio contexto tangible interfaces educaÃÃo matemÃtica

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