Os "Combatentes da Paz": A participação dos comunistas brasileiros na Campanha pela Proibição das Armas Atômicas (1950)




This production look for to reconstruct he Campaign for the Prohibition of Atomic Bombs, adopted for the Communist Faction from Brazil (PCB) in 1950.Originated of ameeting of Devoted of Peace, in Stocolm, Sweeden, and follwing the pacifist line of Communist Faction of Sovietc Union, directed to all of communist factions, the campaign consisted in the retirement of signatures, of communist active members, through innumerable documents directed to public opinion, national governments and to internaitonal organisms, as ONU, claiming the prohibition of atomic bombs in any country and the elimination of atomic arseanals existing until that moment.The brazilian communists, even when in the illegality, articulated then selves and viabilizated the participation of different social groups to support the campaign. The dissertation preoccupy itself to show the way as the brazilian communist desenvolved the campaign. Through images, belif and ideas, we could try to show the mainly factors that intendene this campaign.


power culture paz comunismo imaginário sociedade historia peace partido comunista brasileiro poder comunistas cultura communist armas nucleares brasil - política e governo - 1950 society

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