Organização do trabalho e gestão da inovação : estudo de caso numa industria petroquimica brasileira




This study analyses the relations between work organization rnanagement and technological progress, focusing on the roles of direct workers and intervention points on the innovation process of Brazilian industries. Getting farther from an approach that just focalizes the "impacts" of innovations on the work relations system (TECHNOLOGY -7 WORK), one searches for dynamic aspects of that process when putting under debate the implications of the inverse relationship. In other words, how the managerial practices oflabour utilisation can contribute (or obstruct) to the process innovation (TECHNOLOGY ~ WORK). The focus is on the understanding ofthese roles and organizational paths that lead environrnent characterized by the workers participation. In the last decades, the Brazilian literature indicated the existence of managerial practices of labour utilisation that made unfeasible the workers integration in the different stages of the productive processo Consequently, they would be an absence oftheir contribution to the capacity to innovation.The study intends to analyze the possible progresses after the recent process of productive restructuring in the country. The arguments are based on a case of major Brazilian petrochemical.companies. Exploring how the innovation on work organization influences the learning and technological progress, contributing to accelerate the innovation in a relevant sector for the national economy. With this study, one hopes to increase the knowledge requirements related to work, that can contribute to technological development. This field hasn t been enough explored in studies on innovation and industrial Sociology, but has a major importance for academics and professionals related on business administration


sociologia industrial industria petroquimica planejamento empresarial inovações tecnologicas

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