Orator e a prosa ritmica : introdução, tradução e noltas / Orator and the prose rhythm : introduction, translation and annotations




This study consists of producing an introductory critical apparatus, as well as a translation into Portuguese, from part of the Orator, Cicero’s work, which deals with the orator formation and the rhythm issue on oratory speech. The main theme of the Orator is the search for the definition of the best oratory style (genus orationis optimorum) that characterizes the perfect orator. An important element to compose this style is the correct and efficient usage of the so-called “prose rhythm”, which has been systematized by Cicero in his book. The translation of the part concerning to this subject starts exactly at paragraph 140 and goes on until the end of the book, paragraph 238. However, before doing so, it will be necessary to do a detailed research on the rhythmic prose precursors, inserted in the context of classical Greek-Roman rhetoric, due to the fact that it was not exactly him who created rhymed speech, even considering his innovative work on this subject. The origins of this type of speech find its early exponents in the first Greek sophists (mainly Thrasymachus Calchedonius, Gorgias and Isocrates), authors to whom the Roman orator makes reference in his work. Thus, initially, we will expose the basis and the first manifestations of artistic prose which are previous to Cicero’s text, in order to, in the second chapter, present some preliminary reflections about the issues that are implicitly dealt with in part of the Orator: the rhythm an the structure of oratory period.


rhetoric prosa ritmica oratory period prose rhythmic retorica periodo oratorio

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