Olhares e vozes de tutores sobre o ser tutor


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




From the perspective of the tutor from the Distance Learning Pedagogy Course of the Open University of Brazil, the present dissertation is aimed at analyzing the meaning of being a tutor and the role of tutorship for these individuals. We tried to understand a) the action of these individuals and their view on tutorship, b) the role of continued formation for tutors in carrying out their work, c) the tutors work in relation to the teacher and d) the importance of the Espaço Virtual de Formação de Tutores (A Virtual Tutor Formation Environment) for the construction of its very identity as well as of online teaching, mediation processes and learning networks. The qualitative research was based on the multiplicity theory which, due to its flow, plurality and flexibility, allowed for multiplying the views on the analyses and interpretations carried out. The focus group was chosen in order not only to collect the data, but also to promote potential meetings among the subjects of the study, making way for the collective knowledge construction and the emergence of existing participants. The data produced three themes or categories, namely a) collaboration, b) mediation and c) time, all of these related to the teaching role of the tutor. In the face of these multiple actions and views, the findings of this research have shown the need for a specific continued formation process so as to consider issues of online teaching in regard to collaboration, mediation processes and temporality. The study also showed that the tutor does develop a teaching role and brought evidence of network articulation with colleagues. Finally, the subjects of this study present the plural being as a feature of being a tutor, which is achieved from the other self in its multiplicity and singularity


tutor/tutoria online educação a distância docência online mediação universidade aberta do brasil tutor/online tutorship distance learning online teaching mediation educacao

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